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kids helping in the kitchen

  • March 9, 2018
  • By Morgan Miller

It never fails, I’m working away quietly in the kitchen while my children are playing in their playroom and…

I turn the mixer on…and here they come!  Running, racing all the way to the kitchen to help momma.

Of course, there’s a part of me that eye rolls and wishes I could just speed on through completing my task, but the kids get so much joy out of “helping” momma cook.  So I have two choices…

redirect them out of the kitchen


make a memory

Making memories are the best, but they’re usually messy in the kitchen.

Here’s a few tips to help have fun with your kids in the kitchen.

Prepare yourself for tantrums and a mess, it’s usually inevitable. Maybe it’s just my toddlers but someone always ends up upset at some point because he got to pour in the flour or their stool isn’t close enough to the counter. Just keep on workin’!

Establish rules with them. My kids usually like to help with the stand mixer or “chopping” up veggies. They know not to get their hands near the mixing bowl while it’s running and that the “big knife” is only for mommies and daddies.

Give them a specific task. Give your child a veggie and a butter knife (if age appropriate) and ask them to cut the veggie into pieces. Have them count out items you’re going to use in your recipe, put things you’ve chopped into a bowl, gently tap the eggs on the counter so you can crack them into a bowl, etc. Just think of something to keep them busy but allow them to contribute to the recipe.

Let them snack on an ingredient. Sometimes my kids won’t eat something if it’s on their dinner plate but for some reason they’ll try and love something that’s being prepped on the chopping block!  If you’re chopping up veggies, let them snack on them. If you’re making cookie dough, let them eat a small bowl of chocolate chips. They’ll think you’re the coolest mom ever.

Talk them through what you’re doing and what tools you’re using. The kitchen is a great place to learn so many things! “I’m going to add three cups of flour, let’s count the cups as we pour them in.” Our kids are starving to learn in the simplest of ways so just talking to them about what you’re doing will allow them to learn from you in a fun way.

Have them help clean up. While the cookies are baking or supper is cooking assign each child with a simple task or two to help clean up. This not only helps you out but it allows them to learn responsibilities and feel needed.

Enjoy your hard work with them. Take the time to sit down for a family meal every night or snuggle in front of the television with freshly baked cookies. These are the memories you cannot buy and the ones that are most important for a strong family unit.

At our house the kitchen tends to be the busiest room in the house. I usually cook 2-3 meals a day so I practically live in the kitchen. Make the most of your time spent in there and allow your children to work with you.  When they’re young, like my two, it can be challenging at times and would definitely be easier to finish without them. But they’re only young once and the boundaries and environment you establish now sets the example for the future. My kids will always be helping me in the kitchen, it’s how my momma ran her kitchen too.  I’ve joked with the hubby before that our children should know how to whip up a batch of chocolate chip cookies by themselves by the time they’re five so maybe it will all pay off!

Just remember, through it all, the memories are what will last forever. It’s worth it.

By Morgan Miller, March 9, 2018
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Hi there! I'm Morgan
I'm married to my high school sweetheart, we have five year old boy/girl twins, and we recently bought the family farm. Join me as we live this beautiful life!
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