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back to school tips – kid focused

  • August 3, 2020
  • By Morgan Miller

Going back to school is such an exciting time. A fresh start to a new school year always gives me all the feels. Whether you will be homeschooling, attending in person school, or doing virtual school, I have some back to school tips for you. These tips are completely focused around the kiddos, because that’s what school is all about!


Counting down to the start of school not only builds excitement, but it gives kids a great visual. I created a simple chain link countdown for the twins one year using construction paper. For younger kiddos, actually seeing the chain links go away gives them a greater sense of time. It’s always so fun to take away from the countdown each morning and see the excitement build in the kiddos. *Pro-tip…take away from the countdown every morning instead of at night. I may or may not know by experience that taking away from the countdown at night builds so much excitement that kids have a difficult time going to sleep!


Marathon runners don’t just show up the day of the big race to run. They spend weeks and months slowly preparing and building their bodies up for the task ahead. The last thing you want to do is throw your kiddos into a new routine “cold turkey”. Instead, slowly acclimate them to the new schedule throughout two weeks time. Follow the steps below to help everyone ease into the new routine:


-Decide on what rise and shine time will be for school days. Two weeks before school starts begin waking your kiddos up 15 minutes earlier every day until you reach your designated wake up time.

-Same goes with bedtime. Decide on a suitable bedtime for your kids and put them to bed 15 minutes earlier every night until you reach your designated bed time.

Modifying your kiddos sleep schedule gradually will help get their bodies ready for the new routine ahead. The goal is to have your kids waking up and going to bed at “school times” one week before school actually starts.


Prep week is a week to help get in the routine of what a school day will look like. Think of it as doing everything BUT school…

Start your mornings with kids waking up, getting dressed, making beds and eating breakfast. Everyone will be all ready with no where to go! Use this time to have fun together. Make a fun treat, go grab ice cream in a drive thru and head to the park, do fun crafts, play together, etc. 

End your days with kiddos going to bed like it’s a school night. Remember the sleep schedule modifications? Get those babies used to getting in bed at a decent hour, they need their rest!

Doing what I call a prep week also helps the parents get acclimated to the new schedule ahead. It’s already going to be difficult on everyone, try to make it as easy as possible by giving everyone time to get used to it a week or two ahead of time.


Who remembers how awesome it was as a kid to get new school supplies every year? There was just something about a fresh pack of crayons or a new Lisa Frank trapper keeper that got me so excited for the school year to begin

Help get your kiddo excited about the school year by doing the same thing! Go shopping together for new supplies or, if you can’t shop together due to COVID, surprise them with new supplies! I brought new supplies home last week for the twins and they were SO excited! No matter what kind of schooling your kiddo will be doing this year, new supplies is a sure fire way to get them excited.

If you’re doing any type of schooling at home this year, be sure to check out some of my favorite Amazon finds for schooling at home by clicking here.


Again, no matter what school will look like for your kiddo this year be sure to take pictures. The first day of school only happens once this year and it should be celebrated! Be sure to use a photo prop with info about the school year on it to make it easy for you to remember details. I found pre-printed chalk boards in the Target dollar spot, but there’s tons of free printables online like this one.

Another fun first day of school activity is to do an interview with your kiddo. Older kids can write their answers down, but take a few moments with your little one to create a fun memory. Check out the free printable interview I plan to use with the twins this year by clicking here.



If you don’t have someone in your household going to school, don’t count yourself out! You can help in so many ways. Most importantly, pray.

Pray for the momma who is sending her kiddo to school for the first time.

Pray for the family who has decided to homeschool.

Pray for the family who is trying to make hybrid or virtual school work for them.

Pray for the families who are stressed for the school year.

Pray for the kids who are beginning their school year.

Pray for the public school teachers who are dealing with so much unknown.

Pray for everyone to have a great school year.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” -1 Peter 5:7 

“do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” -Philippians 4:6-7


Who doesn’t love a good treat? A new school year is always exciting, but can also be stressful…especially the first week. Sometime during the first week of school set aside some time to treat others. Use the ideas below to figure out what you could do:

Bake a treat for the neighbor kiddos and deliver it

Deliver supper to a homeschooling momma

Gift the grandkids with new books or fun supplies for the school year

Create a teacher survival basket full of goodies to your local school

Write a note of encouragement to a family who’s starting their school year, tell them you’ll be praying for a successful year

Any kind act you do, big or small, is going to make someone’s day. Let people know you’re thinking of them and there for them. Let people know you’re excited for them. Let people know you’ll be praying for them.

By using one or all of these back to school tips your little ones are going to be so excited for the new school year! Taking an extra bit of time to make them feel special will create lasting memories for you and your family, so let’s do it!

By Morgan Miller, August 3, 2020
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Hi there! I'm Morgan
I'm married to my high school sweetheart, we have five year old boy/girl twins, and we recently bought the family farm. Join me as we live this beautiful life!
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